by Kelsey Smith

With over 60 eggs hidden out in the woods, over $2,000 worth of prizes to give away, and plenty of hot dogs to go around, the First Annual Easter Ride at High Lifter Proving Grounds, powered by Polaris was such a blast!

Even though we had to reschedule for the next day due to weather, it turned out to be a beautiful spring day. The cloudy skies cleared, the temperature was perfect, and the mud was on point. How could anyone not have a great day?

The Egg Hunt kicked off at 1 PM, just like our St. Patrick’s Day clover hunt. We had to amp up our hiding skills for this event though. With prizes like brand new MB Quart speakers and Gator Waders gear, you can’t just have eggs popping out at you left and right all over the trails.

We have to make y’all ride through some deep mud, look behind the bushes and trees, and work for those prizes! Turns out we must have done a pretty good job hiding them. Some people who came out to ride that day had no idea we were even having an Easter egg hunt!

“Oh I think I saw a yellow one, but I didn’t know what it was” and “Why do you think I’ve been driving so slow and looking around everywhere?” are just a few of the funny comments we heard throughout the day.

Once the Easter eggs started rolling in at the gate, everyone was so excited. We were handing out swag and gift certificates and even bike parts!

It’s a pretty sweet gig to win a whole bunch of free stuff for just doing something you already love to do – playing in the mud!

Huge thank you to all of the awesome companies who donated prizes! Gator Waders, Baja Designs, Renegade, 4×4 Barbie, MSA Offroad Wheels, Crawdaddy’s Kitchen, Louisiana Powersports, Applebee’s, S3 Powersports, and Side by Side Stuff!

Everyone always seems to enjoy our events out at High Lifter Proving Grounds, including the High Lifter team. So, stay tuned for more to come this summer!
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