by Kelsey Smith

Sunshine and cool wind greeted guests as they arrived for the 1st annual St. Patrick’s Day Ride at the High Lifter Proving Grounds, powered by Polaris on Sunday, March 17, 2019. With perfect weather, deep mud holes, and lucky shamrocks throughout the park, everyone was in for a day to remember!

Even though the shamrock scavenger hunt did not start until 1:00 p.m., people were streaming in all day ready to get muddy. They were there to have fun and find those lucky three and four leaf clovers hidden around the park. By 1:15 p.m., winners were already bringing in clovers they found. The three-leaf clovers won door prizes – a High Lifter bag, koozie, or ice cream. Most of the kids picked ice cream for their prize!

The four-leaf clovers were especially lucky with big prizes – shirts and hats, hoodies, beanies, buffs, day passes to High Lifter Proving Grounds, $100 towards a High Lifter lift kit, $200 off a set of BCR wheels, a pair of Gator Waders, and passes to 2019 High Lifter Mud Nationals!

All day we heard hilarious stories of people catching a glimpse of a shamrock and cutting a U-turn, having to wade through huge mud holes, and even kids spotting a shamrock before the rest of their group! The winner of the Gator Waders saw the shamrock from the other side of a huge mud hole and fell in as he tried to make his way to it. (That placement may have been on purpose!)

Everyone who came out seemed to have a great time, and we can’t wait to do it again!

Save the Date! The High Lifter Proving Grounds Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, April 13. We’ll welcome the warm spring weather with brightly colored Easter eggs (with more awesome prizes!) hidden around the park and free hot dogs. See y’all there!